Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Cordoba.
August 27th and 28th 2010, University Campus, Cordoba
Coordinators: Dr. Medardo Ávila Vazquez, Prof. Dr. Carlos Nota.
translated by aynitranslations www.aynitranslations.com
For nearly 10 years, the residents of rural and periurban areas, where agricultural activities are carried out based on the current model of agro-industrial production, have been demanding to the political authorities, the Courts of Justice, and also protesting before the general public, because they feel that the health of their communities is being environmentally affected, mainly through sprayings of agrochemicals used for different types of agricultural crops, but also for the handling and storage of these chemicals in populated areas, and waste disposal, as well as the collection of grains soaked with chemicals within the towns… to access the English version click here:
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